Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

Social Media Marketing for Publishers eBook Liz Murray lesen EJU

Social Media Marketing for Publishers eBook Liz Murray Laden Sie das PDF herunter XZD

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  • Alles inklusive detebe German Edition eBook Doris Dörrie PDF-Viewer HAV

  • Marketing your books or publishing brand through social media needn't be confusing! This eBook is the essential Publisher's Handbook to all social media activities that you need to know about. Social media marketing expert Liz Murray guides you through a series of social media topics by making the subject matter easy to understand, engaging and personal. You'll learn the same methods that she has used working with well known publishing brands. Key areas covered include social media planning, websites and blogs, Facebook, Twitter, other social media marketing sites, measuring ROI and social media tools. The book is aimed at those who want to gain a low level understanding of all areas of social media rather than extensive knowledge about one area. It's the perfect go to handbook, there when you need to refer to it.
    ebook,Liz Murray,Social Media Marketing for Publishers,,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / E-Commerce / Internet Marketing,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Marketing / General

    Social Media Marketing for Publishers eBook Liz Murray Reviews :

    Marketing your books or publishing brand through social media needn't be confusing! This eBook is the essential Publisher's Handbook to all social media activities that you need to know about. Social media marketing expert Liz Murray guides you through a series of social media topics by making the subject matter easy to understand, engaging and personal. You'll learn the same methods that she has used working with well known publishing brands. Key areas covered include social media planning, websites and blogs, Facebook, Twitter, other social media marketing sites, measuring ROI and social media tools. The book is aimed at those who want to gain a low level understanding of all areas of social media rather than extensive knowledge about one area. It's the perfect go to handbook, there when you need to refer to it.

    ebook,Liz Murray,Social Media Marketing for Publishers,,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / E-Commerce / Internet Marketing,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Marketing / General

    Social Media Marketing for Publishers eBook Liz Murray


    Product details

    • File Size 384 KB
    • Print Length 61 pages
    • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
    • Publisher (March 7, 2012)
    • Publication Date March 7, 2012
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    "" [Review ]

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